I am starting a new blog to replace this one. As a good friend of my said recently on her blog my "ME" has now become a "WE"
Look for our most recent posts here:
Monday, December 13, 2010
New Blog
Posted by Miss Nicole at 1:52 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Kaylee J. Bonnett...more pics
These pictures are a little grainy. We haven't received the original prints yet but I thought they were so cute! Taken at the hospital at 2 days old!!
Posted by Miss Nicole at 1:23 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 11, 2010
We have been pretty busy over the last month, but good things are happening and we feel very blessed!
-We moved. We love our new place. There is so much space! I will have to take pictures soon. I have finished unpacking the boxes but we are still organizing and hanging pictures etc.
-My brother Chris and his wife Kristin had their first baby on November 6, 2010. Her name is Kaylee J and she is so sweet! They labor was a little stressful and she ended up having an emergency C Section, but everything turned out great. There was some concern about her little left eye and they actually had to take the baby in an ambulance to the Utah Valley NICU so a pediatric opthomologist could look at her eye. Her mom had to stay at Mountain View hospital to finish recovering. We were so sad for Kristin and so worried for the baby. On Sunday, the eye looked much better and the doctor said she didn't need surgery on it. Kaylee had no other reason to be in the NICU but they don't normally transport them back to Payson. We feel very blessed because they actually allowed my brother and parents to bring her back to the Payson hospital in their car, no ambulance. The nurses at the Payson hospital could not believe that the baby was back, they said that never happens. My mom's sister is a nurse in the Mother/Baby unit in Payson and my dad worked at Utah Valley in the ICU for years so I think that helped their chances ;)Kaylee J Bonnett 6 lbs 8 oz 18 inches long. We love her! She is so little and is sooo sweet!
5 days old at home!
She has lots of hair, but I just loved this littel purple hat!
1 hour old. Here eyes are so big, but I could never get a picture with them open.
She had to stay in a swing because they needed her to stay propped up until they could look at her eye.
-We are looking forward to Jason, Justus and Jewel coming to visit from Virginia in 11 days! They will be her for 10 days and we can't wait to see them in person. We wish Maeta could come with them but she isn't old enough to fly yet. We are so happy everything turned out well for her yesterday! It has been over a year since we have seen the kids. It feels like we are having Christmas early this year!
Posted by Miss Nicole at 1:08 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Baby clothes and Birthdays
Happy 36th Birthday Jason!!!! I LOVE YOU!
We had Sunday dinner at my parents house and he got to pick the menu so he chose his favorite dishes that my mom makes, Ribs, Fried Potatoes and Salad. My sister made a yummy pumpkin pecan pie dessert but I didn't get a picture before it was all gone! I Lemon Poppyseed Cake for him to eat at home.
I have such generous family! I have already received lots of baby clothes from my mom, sister, sister-in-law and aunt. I haven't even started shopping yet! Here is what I have so far. I am using my phone camera so it doesn't do any of it justice.
Birth to 3 months
3-6 months
Posted by Miss Nicole at 1:28 PM 4 comments
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Finally a post!
I know I haven't posted in awhile so here are 10 things that have happened since we've been married:
1. We drove to Oklahoma for a funeral in March.
2. Jason's dad came back to Utah with us and stayed for a month.
3. Cleaned out our second bedroom
4. Got lots of new preschool students
5. Jason's mom came to Utah to visit for 2 weeks.
6. Lots of Sunday dinner's at my parents house.
7. Put my car up for sale
8. Working on 4 slide shows for the preschool program (which I should be working on instead of updating my blog)
9 My car broke down today before I could sell it.
10. Had a Cinco de Mayo dinner at my parents house (pictures below)
Pops (Oliver's name for my dad) and Oliver eating chips and guac and watching sports. Oliver had to be a kitchen helper but he was still in his church clothes so he was wearing a cinched christmas apron!
Pops and baby Kenley nappingThe food. I took a Cafe Rio cooking class a few years ago at Thanksgiving Point. The food is great and cheaper than taking everyone out but TONS of work so we make it once a year, the first Sunday in May.
Pork SaladPork Burrito
Black Beans
Cilantro Rice
Mango Salsa (my mom's yummy addition)
The meat
The cooks
Kenley and her mom
Oliver's new church shoes. I loved them!!!
Oliver talking and asking questions. He is non-stop and we love him!
Kenley showing off her Sunday dress.
Posted by Miss Nicole at 8:23 PM 3 comments
Sunday, January 31, 2010
More wedding Pictures
I do not want this song on my slide show but it is too much work to redo it. What a hassle! It was on there by default. Great!
Posted by Miss Nicole at 8:52 PM 5 comments
Saturday, January 23, 2010
My Birthday
I woke up this morning and Jason was on his way to the store. He returned with flowers, a wonderful birthday card and food to make me breakfast. It was such a fun start to my birthday.He even used the new waffle maker we received as a wedding gift!
We went on a birthday date that night. We had so much fun going to dinner and a movie. We got some fun gift cards for wedding gifts that we were able to use which made it even better. We tried so hard to take a picture using the camera timer...this was the best one.
My birthday dinner at my parents house. Jason and my dad each had a TV that they were watching the NFL playoffs on. My dad was downstairs with all the grandkids and Jason had the kitchen TV.Austin and Stefan in their usual Sunday spots.
Oliver and Kenley playing with the play kitchen my mom bought them as a Christmas gift to keep at her house.
Me, Oliver, Kenley and Bella (Chirs and Kristin's dog)
Happy 32nd birthday to me!!!
YUM! Leftover wedding cake is perfect birthday cake!
Chris came over with Bella but Kristin had to work. We missed her. What a fun night! I picked Ham, funeral potatoes and homemade peas and carrots for my meal. It was yummy, but every sunday dinner is always fabulous birthday or not!
Posted by Miss Nicole at 7:48 PM 1 comments
Monday, January 18, 2010
We did it!!!
What a wonderful night! I feel so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends that helped with the set up during the day. It was beautiful!! More pictures to come...
Posted by Miss Nicole at 12:11 PM 2 comments
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Bridal Pictures
My cousin Whitney took some bridal pictures for me. She is an amazing photographer and I knew they would turn out great! I was excited to take the pictures in the snow and I was so glad that it wasn't storming on Friday. This is just a few from her website. I am so excited to go pick up the CD tomorrow so I can see all of them!!My other cousin Melisa made my wonderful rose headband. I love having such talent in the family!
Posted by Miss Nicole at 10:35 PM 6 comments